yes.. my entries recently brought some of u readers to think... ape masalah bdk jet ni nk emo2.. ade mslh rumahtangge ke? nk menopos ke? wahahahah... nope.. no such thing... i'm just expressing ketidakpuasan hati dan kegeraman dan aku mewakili sesetengah pihak yg mempunyai perasaan yg same dgnku.. wahhh.. gitu skali pengakuan.. sape2 yg makan cili.. beb.. kau la rase pedas.. EAT IT!!!!
:: The way to start writing isn’t by writing at all, but by living ::
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
so we have been together for 1 month and 3 days.. nothing can describe my feelings as of this moment.. both of us have our own habits dat make us learn on how to accept it.. he is OCD juz like k.intan.. huhu.. while moi on the other hand.. jenis yg amek mudah je mende2 ni.. we are learning to tolerate to that behaviours of ours.. but basically what ive learned thru out this marriage is to be a good and responsible wife.. wahaha... ayat yg memberi kesedaran sivik utk diriku sndiri..
yes.. my entries recently brought some of u readers to think... ape masalah bdk jet ni nk emo2.. ade mslh rumahtangge ke? nk menopos ke? wahahahah... nope.. no such thing... i'm just expressing ketidakpuasan hati dan kegeraman dan aku mewakili sesetengah pihak yg mempunyai perasaan yg same dgnku.. wahhh.. gitu skali pengakuan.. sape2 yg makan cili.. beb.. kau la rase pedas.. EAT IT!!!!
yes.. my entries recently brought some of u readers to think... ape masalah bdk jet ni nk emo2.. ade mslh rumahtangge ke? nk menopos ke? wahahahah... nope.. no such thing... i'm just expressing ketidakpuasan hati dan kegeraman dan aku mewakili sesetengah pihak yg mempunyai perasaan yg same dgnku.. wahhh.. gitu skali pengakuan.. sape2 yg makan cili.. beb.. kau la rase pedas.. EAT IT!!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
The International, Tale'n'Time & Knowing..
so we've watched these 3 movies last week... sgt best la.. the sinopsis of The international is taken fr here... In The International, a gripping thriller, Interpol Agent Louis Salinger (Clive Owen) and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts) are determined to bring to justice one of the world’s most powerful banks. Uncovering myriad and reprehensible illegal activities, Salinger and Whitman follow the money from Berlin to Milan to New York to Istanbul. Finding themselves in a high-stakes chase across the globe, their relentless tenacity puts their own lives at risk as their targets will stop at nothing – even murder – to continue financing terror and war.

for these 2 movies which are talentime n knowing.. both of us shed tears.. boo hoo.. malu kann? Tale 'n' Time produced by Yasmin ahmad gives us so many moral values.. she did touch a bit psl perkauman.. but its the fact.. ya i no.. reality bites but it happen y'all among us.. how she portrays our multi-racial society in Malaysia is definitely betul.. Yasmin also touched our hearts dgn acts by azean irdawaty n 'mukhsin'.. go and watch this movie.. seriously berbaloi...

on the other hand.. knowing is a prophecy movie starring nicolas cage.. typical movie la i guess.. this girl can predict of what will happen in 50 years time after some voices whispered to her... the prediction is written in date, victims and locations... the movie ends juz like I Am Legend.. aisehh... dh spoil plakk... huhu.. but seriously uolz2 pegi la tgk.. tak rugi tawwww....

for these 2 movies which are talentime n knowing.. both of us shed tears.. boo hoo.. malu kann? Tale 'n' Time produced by Yasmin ahmad gives us so many moral values.. she did touch a bit psl perkauman.. but its the fact.. ya i no.. reality bites but it happen y'all among us.. how she portrays our multi-racial society in Malaysia is definitely betul.. Yasmin also touched our hearts dgn acts by azean irdawaty n 'mukhsin'.. go and watch this movie.. seriously berbaloi...

on the other hand.. knowing is a prophecy movie starring nicolas cage.. typical movie la i guess.. this girl can predict of what will happen in 50 years time after some voices whispered to her... the prediction is written in date, victims and locations... the movie ends juz like I Am Legend.. aisehh... dh spoil plakk... huhu.. but seriously uolz2 pegi la tgk.. tak rugi tawwww....

Friday, March 27, 2009
entry filler sbnrnye.. buringg tatau nk hapdet ape.. kalau ckp byk kang.. ade plak org tak suke my language... kolot and jumud la... iskk... nk bergosip? dlm ofis sahaje... yakni ESPILON (memetik kate bdk yg bodoh yg asek nk salahkan lect psl KETIDAKPANDAIAN die... mak die pon same gak.. anak die je yg betul... lect sume salah..) wahhh... dh masuk cte lain... emosi tetibe.. sbb ape? sbb sakit ati ngan mcm2 bende... sakit ati ngan org bzbodi yg teramatzzzz.. aku pon bzbodi.. tapi takdela terlampau2 mcm sume bende nk tau pastu sume bende nk g cte kt org.. simpan2 sndiri sudahla.. ini tak.. kecoh satu alam semesta.. isk isk isk.. susah org macam ni.. org might be suke kat uolzz.. tapi.. kt blkg uolzz... deyolz musti bergosip psl u pny... sampai satu peringkats.. deyolzz mesti dh tanak layan uolzz tawww... koser kan? dh2.. jadik jiwe kacau plak..
well.. sum of us are makin sucha big deal abt my entry yg 'on hiatus' tu... ni bak sini mak nk bitau... CUTI KAWEN AKU DILULUSKAN FROM 27.2 - 11.3... hape masalahnye kalau aku tulis kt gamba yg aku on hiatus sampai 15.3? 14 and 15 tuh kan weekend? ade org kt kolej ni keje ke on weekend.. yg aku tau pakcik2 jaga and pak rashid n en sham je... yg lain nk makin' sucha big deal nape? ke sbb kau terlampau ignorant dan tak sedar yg 14/15 tuh on weekend? come on laa.. kang kalau aku ckp kau bodoh.. kau tuh berpelajaran.. name pon lect.. tak payah KOTTTTTTT nk kne ajar mnde2 common sense yg SABTU AHAD TU TAK KEJE!!!! mnde2 snang mcm tu pon kau nk wat kecoh knape? bosann doww dgn org mcm tu... plz la wehh... wake up and smell the coffee walaupun kau "anti" gile ngan caffeine...
well.. i havent got the chance to say thanks to everybody for attending our wedding (kuantan and perak side).. *tbe2 mood bertuka jd baikk... hehe.. thanks for all the gifts.. wahh... sangat meriah... well.. what we've got for our wedding? mama and abah gave us bedroom set kaler putih(deyolzz taw2 je mak suke putihh)... mama kate tu surprise.. but being mama.. she is so excited to spill the secret.. but she manage to keep one more surprise which she spilt after we got back from our honeymoon.. mama gave us 2 Vantage sets.. dinner set and tea set.. besh2.. one of her friends gave us 3 tier cake plate... so.. there u go... 3 sets of Vantage.. meriah.. brg2 lain yg weolzzz dpt? sgt byk bedsheets.. dlm 6 or 7... huhu.. pinggan mangkuk tak terkire la kan? we got 3 blenders, 2 rice cookers, 4 bed lamps, 1 sandwich maker, 1 carpet, 2 frames, 1 coffee maker, 1 toilettries set, 5 wall clocks, and many2 more yg aku dh tak hengatt... ystrday.. kak mas n suzi bg punch bowl.. sgt santekk.. TQ! and kitorg tatau nk letak mane sume2 gifts tu.. br bwk blk separuh.. separuh lagi kt umah mama.. n kt belah perak plak.. my MIL bg comforter set yg sgt cantek dan aku sgt suke color die.. pastu kitorg dpt 3 jam dinding, 1 oven toaster, 1 CHOPPING BOARD (sgt unik!!) 2 dinner sets, 3 frames of ayat suci, 1 cute album, and ade lg a few yg i cant recall.. huhu.. we realy appreciate the gifts dat u've given us.. they are all meaningful.. and our house sume dh complete.. alhamdulillah...
well.. sum of us are makin sucha big deal abt my entry yg 'on hiatus' tu... ni bak sini mak nk bitau... CUTI KAWEN AKU DILULUSKAN FROM 27.2 - 11.3... hape masalahnye kalau aku tulis kt gamba yg aku on hiatus sampai 15.3? 14 and 15 tuh kan weekend? ade org kt kolej ni keje ke on weekend.. yg aku tau pakcik2 jaga and pak rashid n en sham je... yg lain nk makin' sucha big deal nape? ke sbb kau terlampau ignorant dan tak sedar yg 14/15 tuh on weekend? come on laa.. kang kalau aku ckp kau bodoh.. kau tuh berpelajaran.. name pon lect.. tak payah KOTTTTTTT nk kne ajar mnde2 common sense yg SABTU AHAD TU TAK KEJE!!!! mnde2 snang mcm tu pon kau nk wat kecoh knape? bosann doww dgn org mcm tu... plz la wehh... wake up and smell the coffee walaupun kau "anti" gile ngan caffeine...
well.. i havent got the chance to say thanks to everybody for attending our wedding (kuantan and perak side).. *tbe2 mood bertuka jd baikk... hehe.. thanks for all the gifts.. wahh... sangat meriah... well.. what we've got for our wedding? mama and abah gave us bedroom set kaler putih(deyolzz taw2 je mak suke putihh)... mama kate tu surprise.. but being mama.. she is so excited to spill the secret.. but she manage to keep one more surprise which she spilt after we got back from our honeymoon.. mama gave us 2 Vantage sets.. dinner set and tea set.. besh2.. one of her friends gave us 3 tier cake plate... so.. there u go... 3 sets of Vantage.. meriah.. brg2 lain yg weolzzz dpt? sgt byk bedsheets.. dlm 6 or 7... huhu.. pinggan mangkuk tak terkire la kan? we got 3 blenders, 2 rice cookers, 4 bed lamps, 1 sandwich maker, 1 carpet, 2 frames, 1 coffee maker, 1 toilettries set, 5 wall clocks, and many2 more yg aku dh tak hengatt... ystrday.. kak mas n suzi bg punch bowl.. sgt santekk.. TQ! and kitorg tatau nk letak mane sume2 gifts tu.. br bwk blk separuh.. separuh lagi kt umah mama.. n kt belah perak plak.. my MIL bg comforter set yg sgt cantek dan aku sgt suke color die.. pastu kitorg dpt 3 jam dinding, 1 oven toaster, 1 CHOPPING BOARD (sgt unik!!) 2 dinner sets, 3 frames of ayat suci, 1 cute album, and ade lg a few yg i cant recall.. huhu.. we realy appreciate the gifts dat u've given us.. they are all meaningful.. and our house sume dh complete.. alhamdulillah...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
sisterhood award..
The rules:
*Place the award logo on your blog.
*Nominate 10 other blogs which show “Attitude and/or Gratitude”
*Link to the nominees on your blog post.
*Comment on their blog that you have nominated them.
*Share the love and link to the person who nominated you.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
sesungguhnye.. aku tgh buring.. menande xm papers yg tiade berkesudahan... mengantuk... pening ngan grammar sorg2.. tulisan mengalahkan ayam yg tgh mencakar.. keburingan ni campo plak ngan perasaan mengantuk dan hujan lebat yg mencurah2.. owh fuck! how i wish i cud be on my bed snuggling with en suami... daymne!!!!!! dh kawen ni sumtimes kitorg buntu nk watpe kt umah.. end up nye? movie marathon...
last wiken.. we watched unborn and twilight.. ya ya.. i'm so yesterday.. br nk tgk si pucat edward cullen tu... huhu.. it is a worth watching movie.. before twilight, kitorg tgk the unborn.. hah? tak kua lagi korg dh tgk? wahahaha.. thanks to lanun2.. kerane membolehkan rakyat malaysia menonton movie dgn kadar rata tapi berulang2 kali.. cite psl the unborn brother of a girl.. her twin actuly.. mcm2 mnde2 pelik happened around her sbbkan roh tu.. iskk... twisted la cte tu sbnrnye.. at the end of the story.. br korang tau knape roh the unborn tuh mengacau die.. go go and watch the movie..
for en suami and i.. we cant wait for the 4th sequel of fast and furious.. woohoo...
and now what? back to menande paper blk... dh2.. cukup2 blog tu...
last wiken.. we watched unborn and twilight.. ya ya.. i'm so yesterday.. br nk tgk si pucat edward cullen tu... huhu.. it is a worth watching movie.. before twilight, kitorg tgk the unborn.. hah? tak kua lagi korg dh tgk? wahahaha.. thanks to lanun2.. kerane membolehkan rakyat malaysia menonton movie dgn kadar rata tapi berulang2 kali.. cite psl the unborn brother of a girl.. her twin actuly.. mcm2 mnde2 pelik happened around her sbbkan roh tu.. iskk... twisted la cte tu sbnrnye.. at the end of the story.. br korang tau knape roh the unborn tuh mengacau die.. go go and watch the movie..
for en suami and i.. we cant wait for the 4th sequel of fast and furious.. woohoo...
and now what? back to menande paper blk... dh2.. cukup2 blog tu...

Monday, March 23, 2009
love diz pic mucho...
Friday, March 20, 2009
En suami came to Epsilon ystrdy to surprise me with a bouquet of flowers... he knows dat i dun realy like flowers.. and he said dat diz is his first time jumpe pempuan yg tak suke bunge.. its not i dun like.. i loike it very the much u see.. tapi IMHO... i think dr beli bunge.. baik bwk diriku g makan.. huhu.. 2-3 stalk will do... but not the ridiculuously big bouquet laaa... seriously buang duit... aku bkn kambing pon boleh mkn bunge2 iteewww... huhu...but his gestures realy brighten up my day ystrdy despite of kepeningan haku 2-3 hari ni.. opp2.. masih terlalu awal utk mengatekan saye berbadan 2.. wahaha... i dun wanabe so excited to check bcuz it's way way way too early... tanak la org ckp aku ni sgt selok mcm aku sorg je pregnant kt dunie.. i'll take it as relaxing as i can.. huhu.. but yes.. we both are so tak sabar nk check.. tapi.. wen i asked doc wen can i check.. he said... tggu je.. n i asked him back... takyah la kite nk ngade2 pegi kt clinic ehh? and he laughed.. talkin about tak sabar sgt kan smp certain ppl get overexcited... ye la.. tell me one good reason why ppl get overexcited to get babies? huhu... anyhu.. dh melalut cte baby plakk... i din manage to tranfer the pic fr my hp.. huhu.. to en suami... thanks for the flowers... mmmuuuaaahhhh....
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
wedding pics..
ahah.. korang nk tgk ye? hardcopy stil under prugris.. abg kamal kate tak siap lagi.. tp u can go to dnora page to view sum of the pics.. dun forget to see the clip as well..the clip is fuckinglyawesome! rase nk nanges tgk.. tak rugi byr sifu to be my OP... huhu... owhh.. and u can view our weddings pics in my bro's revsphotoblog ... enjoy the pics occay?? here are sum pics yg aku curikk dr blog k.anis n bangteh... thanks!!!
luv diz pic.. en suami menangis... huhu... kne kawen pakse kate mereka2 yg hadir sbb we both cried mcm nk gile.. huhu...

a lil hapdet..
intan gave birth to a baby boy diz morning weighing 2.8kg.. yeay!!! dpt anak buah baru sorg lagi.. ngeh3..
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