there are no word to describe how much i miss him.. =(
:: The way to start writing isn’t by writing at all, but by living ::
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
the reason..
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you...
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
he has his first two milk teeth..
i just noticed diz last nyte.. mmg dh ade rase2 gigi kt gusi die.. tp cam ala2 malu nk kuar.. he keeps on drooling now.. hehe.. this morning.. kak su saw another tooth..hehe.. anak mummy dh besar dh.. ok.. ptg nih mummy ajak ayah g EC Mall to buy u first toothbrush.. =)
Monday, June 14, 2010
of wedding season and broken hearted girl..
hey all..
dh lame tak update blog.. been busy and no idea nk update ape.. well.. skang nih musim kawen.. tak smpt nk pegi banyak kenduri.. mase suntuk and it's quite hard to bring my lil hero to wedding sbb panas.. kejap kang die ngamuk.. huhu.. i'm so sorry for invitations yg tak dpt pegi.. anyway congrats to all newlyweds.. wieda, malin, afifah, balqies, yusairi, maklang wadah, al-hafiz anak pak zul and many2 more..
dh sampai seru sume kawen kan? excuses like tak ready, tak cukup duit, mude lagi tak puas enjoy, lek luuuuuu, and xready to commit tu adelah lame excuses.. enjoy mmg takkan puas.. sampai bile2.. dh kawen boleh enjoy ngan family ngan anak.. bujang2 enjoy ape dapat? yes, i cherish all my bujang memories.. tp sampai bile.. i still remember one of my frens tanye.. bile nak kawen jet? n i replied.. nanti la.. duit tak cukup.. she said.. duit tu tak penah cukup, so sampai bile2 la die tak cukup kan? insyaallah.. rezeki lepas kawen tu ade.. it's just the matter of asking 'Will you marry me', 'Will you be my wife' and saying 'aku terima nikahnye' or 'I do'..
wen i was in my younger years.. my mom sudah bising2 asking wen will u get married.. but at that time.. being so young like 21.. aku cakap 'nantila dulu.. mude lagi.. xpuas enjoy'.. huhu.. pastu bile dh umo menginjak naik.. mak aku start membebel pastu aku start tension.. wen i asked my xbf abt it.. dh bergaduh.. and the so-long relationship putus di tengah jalan.. until i met my husband, he proposed and aku tak fikir panjang.. did my solat istikharah like zillions of times.. and i found my answer to all those questions that are stucked in my mind.. alhamdulillah.. we have been married for 1 year plus now and happy with our lil hero yg semakin membuas..
yes, kahwin is not dat easy and sume org kate jodoh tu blm sampai.. yupp i admit that.. jodoh tu mmg ketentuan Allah.. tapi Allah berfirman yg Dia tak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu melainkan mereka mengubahnye sendiri.. so aku rase kat sni.. xyahla kite nk tggu buah yg takkan jatuh tu.. mmg la kte kne fikir positif.. but sometimes that positive thought tu sgt menjengkelkan kite.. huhu.. ape aku mengarut nih..
both my husband and i have bitter histories.. he broke up 3 months before his wedding.. that's bad.. and me? i rest my case la.. mls nk igt mnde2 yg sakit ati and sedih tu.. huhu.. both of us have taken that as a lesson..
my friend juz broke up last two weeks.. still in recovery of her broken heart.. skang nih dok asek mendengar lagu2 sedih.. kitorg la bg moral support to her..hehe.. tringat zaman2 aku dulu.. even en suami(mase tuh boyfriend la) ade mase tu.. aku still sedih.. still nk mengenangkan kisah2 lame.. tgk movie tu sedih dgr lagu ni sedih.. wahahaha.. same la ngan kawan aku sorg ni.. kitorg tak kasik die g tgk Lagenda Budak Setan sorang2.. takut menangis tak berkesudahan.. wehehe.. tetapi lain pula untukku.. mmg sedih tapi diriku kuatkan semangat utk teruskan hidup.. thank u en suami for ur SHOULDER.. sampai skang.. kalau kitorg citer all the histories.. both of us boleh gelak2 and make fun of it..
28 February 2009
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tag from pika..
credit to si comel pika for this wonderful award. thanks sis..

Pass this award to bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic!
En suami
Mommy Qastalani
Mama Ekha
Contact them and let them know they've won the award.
State 7 things about yourself.
State 7 things about yourself.
- Adam's and Shafeirul's
- Loves choc too much.. n dat explain my current weight..
- Talkative.. Adam has inherited it from me..
- Loves her husband and his smell and his BIG hands so fuckin much..
- suke tgk AFC channel.. tp tang memasaknye agak malas sket...
- suke berjalan.. even in my 36 weeks of pregnancy, aku boleh tawaf satu IKEA n half of IKANO in 1 day..
- enjoy her motherhood and married life so much..
the most precious treasures in my life..
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
6 months and counting..
well, after quite a hiatus.. mummy is back into blogging world again.. pheww... adelah sgt bz skang nih.. dh 2 minggu menande xm papers yg tak berkesudahan.. smp kan my English got confused.. huhu.. juz imagine that the students can write ' his house is baked', Taman Negara has penguins and starfish' etc.. and some of them did write in MALAY for essay.. kang kalau kate bongok kang.. dh masuk kolej kan? but which part of write an essay IN ENGLISH die tak paham haku pon tatau.. like seriously it is disturbing la diz kinda students..
anyhu.. nk update psl anakanda tercinte sbnrny.. ehe..
- he is 6 months oredi..
- weighs 7.8kg...
- dh membuas.. mummy and ayah sgt penat melayan..
- kuat minum susu.. dh lepas FM.. sambung mummy's milk plak.. pastu tido..
- dh makan.. Heinz puree, Milna biscuits, and Nestum.. tp pantang tgk org makan, die sibuk nk capai..
- mengesot dgn laju.. mummy dh la demokk.. ssh nk kejar..
- mulut yg sgt becok.. membebel sorg2 kalau dok dlm Jumperoo, main ngan Bunny IKEA and akan bobok diri sndiri kalau nk tdo.. how adorable.. huhu..
- suke menjerit yg sgt nyaring bunyinye..
- dh pandai mengade2.. kalau tgk mummy put on tudung, die start cembeng.. pantang nmpk mummy tade.. die mule start the drama..
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