:: The way to start writing isn’t by writing at all, but by living ::
Sunday, September 28, 2008
hasni suhana's baby...
my first attempt...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
our iftar..
2. Your relationship with him/her is:
a good and a close fren
3. Your five impression of him/her:
a - suke membebel
b - sgt suke bercerita
c- kalau die tak suke org... mmg die tak suke sungguh laa...
d- IDOLA aku...wahaha...
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
dtg ktn tbe2 pastu ajak aku kua.. aku sgt suke...5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you:
wahahah... tahla...
6. If he/she become your lover, you will:
suke kot... cuz she has BIG assets... ngee...
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
jgn kuat termenung semek...
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will:
tak terpikir pon...
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be:
no answer for dat...
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
I pray for her happiness, pray for our frenship and pray for our future
11. Your overall impression of him/her is:
sgt chumel dan blur.. dats y i love her so much...
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?:
they say i have a stuck up face... they say i'm a sombong type... my stdnts said that i am 'very garang' to them... tapi tak knal maka tak cinta kann?
13. The characters you love of yourself are:
i love to talk... canot stop...
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are
sometimes ade mood swings...
15. The most ideal person you want to be is:
a perfect one... in my career and in my life... but life is not dat perfect people...
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
Thank u..
17. Pass this quiz to 5 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you:
1. my bulat
2. k.intan
3. k.lin
4. nuar
5. yani
18. Who is no.1 having relationship with?
zetti adela...
19. Is no.4 a male or female?
20. If no.3 and 5 are together, will it be a good thing?
they are frens...
22. What is no.2 studying about?
cooking and parenting skills...
23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
last 2 weeks kot... ms rektor dtg...
24. What kind of music band does no.4 like?
indon band and NUBHAN's biggest fan...
25. Does no.1 have any siblings?
yup..a sister..
26. Will you woo no.2?
27. How about no.4?
he's my bro for God sake!! cannot2... itu namenye incest..
28. Is no.1 single?
single mendenye... nk kawen dh pon.
29. What is the surname of no.3?
30. What’s the hobby of no.5?
sgt suke cam-whoring ngan nani...
31. Does no.1 and 5 get along well?
yepp... they are colleagues and perakians..
32. Where is no.2 studying at?
She is now working…
33. Talk something casually about no.1:
die sgt bulat dan besar... dan bau die sdap... i like his smile a lot...die sgt baik tp kuat membebel... very 'measury' type of person... sume bende die letak mesti nk kne ade ukuran... takleh senget2.. kalau die marah... die mesti ckp.. 'i nak kua jap'.. takdela g jauh... g minum je... nk redakan ketegangan... very metrosexual... suke cuci baju hari2... sgt kuat merajuk... very shy2 type especially wen meeting org yg tak knal...
34. Have you tried developing feelings for no.3?
owhh...never...We both are straight…
35. Where does no.5 live at?
Kuantan n perak….
36. What colour does no.2 like?
37. Are no.3 and 1 best friend?
38. Does no.3 have any pets?
39. Is no.1 the sexiest person in the world?
wahahahaha... sexy ke bulat? i shud change the quest la...
40. What is no. 5 doing now?
tgh berhuha ngan uzma kot?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
mohd shafeirul zaman...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Spa Visit...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Harapan Ramadhan
Kali ini penuh makna
Agar dapat kulalui
Dengan sempurna
Selangkah demi selangkah
Setahun sudah pun berlalu
Masa yang pantas berlalu
Hingga tak terasa ku berada
Di bulan Ramadhan semula
Puasa satu amalan
Sebagaimana yang diperintahNya
Moga dapat ku lenturkan
Nafsu yang selalu membelenggu diri
Tiada henti-henti
Tak ingin ku biarkan Ramadhan berlalu saja
Tuhan pimpinlah daku yang lemah
Mengharungi segalanya dengan sabar
Kita memohon pada Tuhan diberikan kekuatan
Ku merayu pada Tuhan diterima amalan
Selangkah demi selangkah...
Dengan rahmatMu oh Tuhanku...
Ku tempuh jua...
to my bulat... i'm glad to have u as my bf, as my abg, as my bestfriend and as my everything... thank u for everything... thank u for still loving me walaupun i selalu wat perangai... kamu pon slalu wat perangai gakk... huhu... juz like i wrote in my previous entry... falling in love with u is beyond my control... muah muah muah... i wev u bulat!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
habit org kt workplace...
My dear friends,
Let us share what Datuk Dr. Fadilah Kamsah used to say
'Ada orang datang ke pejabat dengan perasaan penuh gembira & ceria, ada datang dengan perasaan 'biasa' dan ada datang dengan perasaan serba tak kena '.. Ingat lah, sesiapa yang datang hanya dengan perasaan 'biasa' saja, hasilnya adalah 'biasa' saja, sesiapa yang datang dengan ceria, hasilnya akan jadi lebih daripada biasa ataupun luar biasa. Bekerja la dengan ceria agar menghasilkan produktiviti yang luar biasa yang akan menggembirakan orang di sekeliling kita. Semoga hasil itu akan mendapat keberkatan insyallah...'
Jadi renungi lah :-
1. Ada antara kita datang ke pejabat hanya memenuhi tanggung jawab
'DATANG BEKERJA' tapi hampeh, hasilnya macam kita 'TAK DATANG' kerja..
2. Ada kala kita rasa kita BUSY giler , rupanya kita hanya 'KELAM KABUT'...
3. Adakala kita rasa kita PRIHATIN' , tapi rupanya kita BUSY BODY...
4. Adakala kita rasa kita OPEN-MINDED and OUTSPOKEN tapi rupanya kita KURANG PENG'AJAR'AN...
5. Adakala kita rasa kita berpemikiran KRITIS rupanya kita hanya lebih kepada KRITIK yang mencipta KRISIS ...
6. Adakala kita rasa kita ingin menjadi LEBIH MESRA tapi rupanya kita di lihat lebih MENGADA2...
7. Adakala kita suka bertanya 'KENAPA DIA NI MCM TAKDE KEJE' , adalah lebih baik kita tanya 'APA LAGI KEJE YANG AKU BOLEH BUAT'...
Pejam mata dan renung lah diri, kalau kita perlu melakukan ANJAKAN PARADIGMA, maka lakukanlah...Segera, tapi manusia tetap manusia..sukar untuk berubah kerana kita selalu beranggapan kita lebih baik...adakah dengan merasakan itu kita sememangnya terbaik?
Maka untuk itu , mari kita mula senyum, ceria, mesra sesama kita dan tingkat kerjasama dalam kerja, tak rugi kita semai rasa 'kekeluargaan' dalam tugasan..kalau kita kurang kerja, cari la kerja membantu teman-teman yang lain.
Tak dapat gaji lebih pun tak apa sebab pahala dapat..kita draw kat akhirat nanti...tapi kalau kita asyik dengki mendengki..nasib la sebab dah ditentukan jalan yang sukar itu yang kita pilih..Renungi lah, berapa orang kawan kita dan berapa orang lawan kita, nescaya itu la kayu pengukur diri yang sebaiknya...
'mengkritik tidak bererti menentang,
menyetujui tidak semestinya menyokong,
menegur tidak bermakna membenci,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
it is hard...
ya ya.. I no I’m not a good one for u compared to the others… I’m suck in everything… I can’t convince u… I can’t love u like how others did… *sigh*
just fuckin tell me what am I supposed to do cuz I’m fuckin blank! I just don’t know how to do all this fuckin convincing people…
cookies in the making....
i'm back...
last tuesday, went 2 tc with my bulat... we sit there fr 11pm till 6.30 am.. hah... jgn pk bukan2... we lepak at mcd... he helped me marking my exam paper... fin marking at 3 and we got into fight... a big fight really... i broke his heart again... i'm sowy... =( after all the gado2 and cwying sampai bengkak mate.. we went to hv our sahur at mcd.. with all the mate bengkak... k.tini asked.. kau nih knape pempuan? wahahah... i answered... 'cembeng' is my middle name... nanges sket mate mesti bengkak... kalau nanges lame2 and teruk2 mate mesti bengkak tahap gaban... kalah mate yaya engineering... huhu... sowy yaya... u je yg mate cam2... i had my sahur wit my bulat, kak tini, kak intan, din, yani and hadi... lpk kt c2 until 6.30... baru balikk... tertido dlm kete... beshh!!!
after sahur... i went str8 to intan's house to bake some raye cookies... we managed to bake 4 types of cookies... honey cornflakes, choc cornflakes, suji, and i-duno-wut cornflake cookies... aku sampai tertido2 ms tgh wat cookies... ngeh ngeh ngeh... tercedera separuh mase pertame... my hand kne oven yg tgh panas... huhu... blm bakar cookies... dh terbakar tgn dulu... huhu.. i hv uploaded sikit je... gamba2 lain cookies in progression will be posted later... sbb byk kat yani...
till thenn... tootles!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
.: ENG 121:.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Tagged by Kak Lieyn..
THREE THINGS YOU'VE DONE IN THE LAST 33 MINUTES: 1. teaching in class 2. talking to ayong 3. texting my bulat
THREE WAYS TO BE HAPPY: 1. shopping 2. spending quality time with loved ones 3.makan
THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS AS OF NOW: 1.I wish i'd never -kokokaina 2. dan sebenarnya -yuna 3. Chocolate - kylie minogue
THREE THINGS YOU LOVE IN A GUY: 1. understanding 2. bau sedap 3. love me so much
THREE PERSONS YOU MISS: 1. my bulat 2. my friends 3. my grandparents
THREE GIFTS YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE: 1. LV stuff 2. lots and lots of perfumes 3. an iPhone
THREE PLACES YOU WANT TO GO FOR NEXT VACATION: 1. any pulau 2.middle east 3. any shopping places
THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE HOBBIES: 1. internet 2. jalan2 3.makan
THREE FAVORITE CARTOON/ANIME CHARACTERS: 1. tom & Jerry 2. X-men 3. donald duck
THREE FAVORITE DRINKS: 1. anything cold 2. Coke 3. fruit juice
THREE THINGS FOUND IN YOUR HANDBAG: 1. wallet 2. handphone 3. makeup
THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 1. pink 2. purple 3. black
TOP THREE U LOVE SO MUCH: 1.ALLAH swt 2.my family 3. my bulat
so... i nak tag sape ehh?
1. my bulat
2. kak tini
3. yani
4. nuar
5. kak intan
rajin2 la menjawab ehh? LOL!!~~~
Lil Yaya...
Friday, September 5, 2008
pemergian adalah satu hijrah...
to wan azli's family and fiancee, be strong ok? Allah lagi sayangkan die... cherish all the good things that happened among all of u...

In memories...
Wan Azli Wan Ishak
1983 - 2008
:: You Raise Me Up ::
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
i've let it out finally...
but i have to let it out juz now..
been keeping it for sometimes oredi...
it is for your own good not mine..
u have let out the angry monster in me...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
what more excuses u wana make?
org lain pon bgn sahur gak..
dh naik LEMAK kan?
iskk... marah btol haku arini!!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
one weekend with him...
i had a helluva weekends wit my bulat...
thank u so much hunn...
last friday... i brought him to meet my parents...
we had a long talk n scrumptious dinner along the way...
i can see his pucat n cuak face wen talking to my dad...
never seen him like dat b4...
huhu... shian my bulat tu..
thanks to mama for helping him out...
"biar makcik start dulu"...
talk and talk and talk...
and my dad gave out his words of wisdom...
"oklahh... nnt balik kite bincang... kalau tak setuju nak wat camne kan?"
on saturday...
we went out to kedai perabot...
tgk2 kelengkapan umah...
we still hv plenty of times kan?
so much to do and to think...
aft to kedai perabot...
we went to Taj and had our late lunch...
after so much of "kerja keras and jalan2 cuci mate"...
after Taj... megamall... bli magazines...
and off i went back home...
on sunday...
we had our breakfast at Shahzan Inn..
thanks for the treat... walaupun tak sdap... LOL!!~~
after shahzan... we went to teruntum to jln2 cr few things...
then we had our lunch kat EC Mall..
i met yaya... dh nk meletop mummy tu...
tapi relax lg berjalan...
having her last meal b4 meletop on wednesday... insyallah...
late that sunday evening...
went out wit bulat again...
diz 'outing' was due to his misunderstandings...
well... u will never lose me ok bulat?
no worries..
went out to bazar ramadhan wit him...
i wore hooded sweater and jeans and loafers...
he said i luk good in it...
at bazar... we bumped into few ppl...
my parents and my family friends..
wahaha... dh kne sembur satu...
no shorts allowed... =)
phewwww..... what a long entry diz time...
tired oredi!!