last tuesday, went 2 tc with my bulat... we sit there fr 11pm till 6.30 am.. hah... jgn pk bukan2... we lepak at mcd... he helped me marking my exam paper... fin marking at 3 and we got into fight... a big fight really... i broke his heart again... i'm sowy... =( after all the gado2 and cwying sampai bengkak mate.. we went to hv our sahur at mcd.. with all the mate bengkak... k.tini asked.. kau nih knape pempuan? wahahah... i answered... 'cembeng' is my middle name... nanges sket mate mesti bengkak... kalau nanges lame2 and teruk2 mate mesti bengkak tahap gaban... kalah mate yaya engineering... huhu... sowy yaya... u je yg mate cam2... i had my sahur wit my bulat, kak tini, kak intan, din, yani and hadi... lpk kt c2 until 6.30... baru balikk... tertido dlm kete... beshh!!!
after sahur... i went str8 to intan's house to bake some raye cookies... we managed to bake 4 types of cookies... honey cornflakes, choc cornflakes, suji, and i-duno-wut cornflake cookies... aku sampai tertido2 ms tgh wat cookies... ngeh ngeh ngeh... tercedera separuh mase pertame... my hand kne oven yg tgh panas... huhu... blm bakar cookies... dh terbakar tgn dulu... huhu.. i hv uploaded sikit je... gamba2 lain cookies in progression will be posted later... sbb byk kat yani...
till thenn... tootles!!!
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