Thursday, May 6, 2010

Let's Fall in Love Again..

Let's Just Fall In Love Again (Jason Castro)
Let's pretend baby
that you've just met me
and I've never seen you before

I'll tell all my friends
that I think you're staring
And you say the same
to yours

And Oh
We'll dance around it all night
and then I'll follow you outside
And try to open up my mouth
and nothing comes out right

And I wanna fall in love with you again
I don't have to try
It's so easy who needs to pretend
But because
It's so funny let's just think about it honey
Let's just fall in love again

I'll call you in three days
Not too soon not too late
And I'll ask your roommate if you're home


You'll call me on Thursday
And we'll hang out all day
Then fall asleep on the phone

And Oh
I'll hold your hand when we drive
And we'll lose track of all the time
And we'll tell everyone that we ain't never felt so alive


We'll fall disgustingly fast
And we'll stop hanging out with friends
And they'll be so offended

Oh ooh oh


Let's just fall in love again
So let's just fall in love again 
 p/s: bibi.. let's fall in love again... *wink*

1 comment:

NES said...
